Phonemic Awareness Lab
Get hands-on experience. Learn our multisensory approach for teaching phonemic awareness.
What Will You Learn in the Phonemic Awareness Lab?
Get more hands-on experience in this highly-participatory lab. Grow your confidence and mastery over the phonemic awareness components in CONNECTIONS®.
(Recommended Prerequisite: CONNECTIONS OGin3D Training & Certification)
Cost $700 (includes supplies)
Your lab for Early, Basic, and Advanced Phonemic Awareness Skills.
Power up your phonological awareness teaching and proficiency.
Scope and Sequence for Phonemic Awareness Skills
Always know your next step with our direct explicit instructions for all of the student materials.
Phonemic Awareness Student Kits
3D objects for early, basic, and advanced phonemic awareness students.
Progress Monitoring for Your Students
Track the progress of your students and easily group students according to need.
Choose Your Training Date
Pick your date. Register. Get the best training on the planet.
(If no dates are available, check back or email us about your interest.)
What Teachers Are Saying about the Phonemic Awareness Lab
The 16 year old that I am working with has had several wow moments. She and I are realizing her true struggles and even though she’s 16 so far she has enjoyed the phonemic awareness games we’ve brought in and they seem to be helping her.
— Jaycee
My girls couldn't rhyme at all and now they can!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
— Amy Castling
Thank you for a helpful approach to building PA and anchoring the sound/symbol relationships.
— Mandy Walker, IDA attendee