Dyslexia Screener
Learn to administer and interpret The APPLE Group’s Dyslexia Screener.
What Will You Learn in our Dyslexia Screener class?
Learn to administer and interpret The APPLE Group’s Dyslexia Screener to identify the characteristics and markers of dyslexia in your students.
(Recommended Prerequisite: CONNECTIONS: OGin3D Training & Certification)
Cost $650 (includes supplies)
See strenghts and spot weaknesses with ease.
Give your students exactly what they need to succeed.
Beginning & Advanced Screener
Get two screeners perfectly adapted to screen beginning and advanced students.
Identify Needs in Students
Diagnostically teach to the specific needs of your students.
Progress Monitoring
Track the progress of your students and easily group students by needs.
Choose Your Training Date
Pick your date. Register. Get the best training on the planet.
(If no dates are available, check back or email us about your interest.)
What Others Are Saying about the Dyslexia Screener Training
We continue our support of dyslexia screening with Connections training for our teachers. We have requested the Apple Group to visit a different campus twice to conduct a full week of on-site training. They provide support, progress monitoring within the curriculum, and lessons that follow the research of reading.
— Dr. Jake Long, Superintendent • Mountain Home Public Schools
The screeners have allowed me to triangulate data to determine where to start in providing the best instruction for my students. During the therapy training, we have learned about administering the norm-referenced tests like the CTOPP (Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing) and the TWS (Test of Written Spelling). Having this knowledge allows me to make the best decisions for my students.
— Peggy Swift