Who knew life-changing training could this fun?
CONNECTIONS® Training Testimonials
“As school administrators begin to see reading scores improve, there is a demand for more and more teachers to be trained. Teachers get to see actual students who have succeeded in mastering the skill of reading, and they get to take field trips to local classrooms to see these teaching strategies in action. They are excited to present their own success stories, including the impressive data that demonstrates how they are able to teach ALL students to read proficiently.”
— Honorable Robert Sweet, Former Director of the National Institute of Education
“The methods you have used to enable all children to read are practical and beneficial to educators. Through your science-based reading curriculum, students enjoy the learning process as they academically grow.”
— Governor Asa Hutchinson, Arkansas
“Connections® curriculum and training has improved our teachers’ knowledge and understanding of the science of reading. The results have increased student achievements. Now our teachers understand how students learn to read and are equipped with the tools they need to identify and intervene with struggling readers. Students love using the hands-on materials included in the training and are highly engaged.”
— Laurie Cramton, Principal • Mountain Home School District
“In 2016, our district sent one interventionist and one teacher from each grade to The APPLE Group. We implemented the hands-on materials and lessons and quickly saw reading scores rise. That’s when our superintendent chose to send every teacher at Park Elementary to The APPLE Group. Even our paraprofessionals are trained as well. The program is taught whole-group in our kindergarten through third grade classrooms.”
— Brenda McGrew, Certified Dyslexia Therapist • Corning Park Elementary
“The Mountain Home School District began this journey with a few interventionists and a goal of seeing student growth in a semester. Within a few weeks the growth was outstanding. Soon student test scores reflected the same. The district piloted Apple Classrooms which lead to training in our district for teachers, teaching grades K-4. Our students are growing with the hands-on materials along with explicitly teaching the structure of the English language.”
— Dr. Jake Long, Superintendent • Mountain Home School District
“Without this training, I would still be walking in the dark, lost without a flashlight or map, stumbling to find a way to reach my students who were struggling despite so much hard work! Now I have my guide on the students I can help in the future!”
— Elementary Teacher
Dyslexia Therapist Program Testimonials
“It is amazing! Just when you think the intervention course Connections® was life changing…that is nothing compared to the Therapist program! Best decision I ever made was to do it!”
— Nicole Johnson, Certified Dyslexia Therapist
“I am so impressed with the results I am seeing after completing the Therapist program. The 2-year training and certification process was one of the most in-depth and beneficial programs I have been through. The program follows the research in the science of reading and how to tie it into every lesson. The structure of the English language is taught directly and explicitly. It totally changed my method of teaching and my career path. I was the Media Specialist before becoming certified. I started seeing students between classes. I was hired as the District Dyslexia Therapist the next year.”
— Brenda McGrew, Certified Dyslexia Therapist • Corning School District
My 8-year old is increasing in self-confidence. It was plummeting rapidly-as others in our home put a lot of emphasis on reading and reading well. So, this is HUGE from a mom perspective!
— Jamie Lature, Parent
More APPLE Group Training Testimonials
“Thank you for donating your valuable time and expertise to participate in this year’s IDA Speakers Showcase.”
— Jennifer Kopp-Parks, Speakers Showcase Fundraiser Chair • Southern Region Representative, IDA
“This was the most beneficial professional development in which I have participated in my 25 years of teaching students in K-12 schools and training pre-service teachers at the university level. It changed the way I teach teachers how to teach reading.”
— Dee Dee Cain, Department of Early Childhood and Special Education • University of Central Arkansas
“CONGRATULATIONS on 20 years of effectively training teachers how to teach a child to read proficiently, using direct, explicit, sequential, science-based instruction.”
— The National Right to Read Foundation
“I have some good news! My child started first grade with a level 1 in reading in the first 9 weeks went to a 3 and this 9 weeks he is at a 10!!!!!!!! This is thanks to a teacher trained in Connections and using the Connections lessons in class. She is an amazing woman, and we love her. She is also my oldest child’s private tutor for his therapy.”
— Courtney Adams
“I have been teaching Connections® Whole Classroom for two years now and I love it! I wouldn’t teach kindergarten literacy any other way!”
— Wendy Sitzer
“This is what we have been searching for. This will help our children.”
— Elementary Principal
“What an awesome week! I’ve seen the in-person (part 1) and the live virtual (part 2) versions - they were equally as impactful! I so appreciate being trained by people who are also very experienced practitioners! The three of you should sell autographed photos- you’re rock stars!”
— LM Jackson
“I have been reviewing your powerpoint presentation…and more of what you have done. I am VERY, VERY impressed!!! I just want to encourage you that you are doing a wonderful job of presenting the facts, and putting it in the hands of those who NEED to hear it!”
— Robert Sweet
“It has been awesome. I've always wanted to be the teacher that later in life they come to me and say I was the best teacher they have ever had. Now I have the knowledge to help my kids including those that aren't just dyslexic.”
— Elementary Teacher
“Time to brag! This now 3rd graders is 1/2 way through the program! NWEA scores have gone up from Tier III to Tier II (high achieving high growth)!!! However, the MOST important thing that has improved is her confidence! We started in January 2020 and 1 year later we are 1/2 way through with 100% mastery! We did spend the summer working also so that helped her progress!”
— Claudia Lee
“I have observed increased student engagement during the lessons in both of my groups. I am even seeing authentic enthusiasm from my 8th grade student! That's fairly huge for a middle schooler.”
— Carla Suiter
“Getting CONNECTIONS trained is the best decision ever! Your life, as well as your students' lives will be forever changed!”